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21 10:02:17

Hello Nicole, I have a ten year old part saddle bred part standard
bred gelding. He is about 16 1/2 hands. He hasn't had that
much training but does extremely well in the round pen and
lunging. He loves to jump and can practically hope over my
fence at a stand still(which isnt necessarily a good thing).  I am
not at a point in my life where I can give him the attention he
needs and deserves. I have had a woman come to look at him to
possibly buy him. She wants to show and jump him which I know
he would do extremely well with the right training. He is a very
sweet horse, a bit high strung, but a great companion.  Having
told you these things how much do you think he is worth?

Hi Lindsey,

 Prices depend on a lot of things so here are a few questions for you so that I can possibly help you out a little bit more (of course without actually seeing his movement it's never 100% accurate)....

1) How much training has he had?  Is he able to be ridden?  If so, how is his temperment then?  Is he easy to control?

2) Is he registered with any association?  Is he gaited?

3) What area of the country are you located in?  For example, horses in the northeast on average sell for much more than horses in say, Wyoming.

4) And then of course, how much is he worth to you?  How much money did you pay for him originally and do you want to get at least that much or more out of him?  No need to answer that if you don't feel comfortable but it's something to consider for your own thought.

Look forward to hearing back from you.

*Nicole @ Dark Horse Farm