Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > BIGGER bit?


21 9:42:02

The gelding i ride is a lazy guy inside, but out on the trail he is a rocket. Always rushing to be in front. I ride with a snaffle, and my arms get so tiered. Do I need to get a bigger bit or is their a another way? Thank u, paje

hi paje,
i would switch him to a tom thomb. this is basically like a snaffle but you have shanks that give you extra control. another but you can use is a twisted wire snaffle. this applies more pressure. you can also teach him to calm down on the trail by circling him every time he tries to walk to fast or trot. is will be a long dizzy process but he will eventually get the point. you can also try working him in the arena before going out on the trail. good luck and all of these should help.
amanda groff