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standardbred 2yr. old pacer

21 9:19:04

sometimes while jogging my colt will knuckle over behind, i am going to have his toes squared next shoeing but wondered should i use a lighter shoe or heavier.  thanks

Hi Mike.
  Usually when a horse knuckles over it's because there is a weakness in the stifle. Could also be that the colt is being jogged on lines that are too loose.
  What I would suggest is lots of slow jog miles. You could also use something like Ball Solution and alcohol mixed 50-50 to paint his stifles.
  I have seen people that squared the horse's hind toes and used a rocker shoe. I haven't done this myself, so I can't say with any certainty that it helps or doesn't help. Keep in mind that the more natural you can keep your colt shod, the better he will be.
  Best of luck!
Anne Stepien