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Right hind lameness

21 9:35:10

Dr. Bentz, I have a appendix quarterhorse that just turned 7. Last July he lost a shoe and irritated his tendon in his left front. He was still lame come august after being in a small paddock, wrapped with ice tight and glycerin, and being on bute the first week. I took him to Auburn University and they did a flex test and blocked him. They found the problem with the left front was the shoe being to short causing excessive break over.  They also found he was lame in his right hind stifle but they could not determine why. They took x rays and did an ultra sound and both showed nothing.  They suggested steroid shots or 45-60 days rest. I chose the rest because I felt that was what was best for him. Two weeks ago he came up lame in his right hind again.  This time it is more pronounce. I can see and feel him drop his whole right side. He is also dragging his toe.  Another vet came to look at him and said it was his shoe but we pulled both of them and he is still lame. Do you have any idea what this could be? Or do you suggest I take him back to Auburn and see if they have any answers for me this time?
Thank you so much for your time


there is no way I can make a diagnosis of a lameness over the internet and without ever even seeing your horse. The lameness should be re-evaluated and if the diagnostics are not helpful and bone scan may be in order. However, re-blocking is necessary again to identify the site of the lameness and determine if it is the same problem or a different problem. NO ONE can accurately diagnose this type of lameness without appropriate blocking- if they do not block- they will be wrong alot and waste alot of your time and money pursuing the wrong thing. I do recommend COMPLETE re-evaluation of the lameness- it may not be the same thing. good luck with this and let me know if I can help you in any other way.