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21 9:45:27

I have 20+ years of experience with horses, being an owner since the age of 9 and I am 30-ish :) now. I have never had experience with a horse who strikes though. I now own a 3 y.o. TB mare who strikes. What is the best immediate response/discipline to striking, and what do I do to break this habit permanently? I realize that I am doing something to cause the reaction--but need help with the immediate response. I've backed her up and made her stand until calm, then continued w/the activity. She strikes while being groomed mostly, if that helps.
Thanks for your help!

From your description, I am picturing the mare striking forward with a front leg.  Is she striking at something?  Flies, you, the stable cat? You said, "I realize that I am doing something to cause the reaction." What do you think is causing  the response? It would help to know what she is responding to.  What does she get in response for her behavior?  When she strikes, do you quit grooming her, pet her to calm her?  What I am asking here is; what does she gain by striking?  Without knowing more about the circumstances, I would suggest using a cross-tie when grooming and either completely ignoring the behavior...continue what you are doing so that she gains nothing by the behavior.  I would also consider an immediate sharp word or instant slap and then just continue what you were doing. The biggest thing is to make certain you are not positively reinforcing the behavior.

BTW  When using a cross tie it is ABSOLUTELY critical that you have quick release snaps.  This is to prevent a major wreck should she pitch a fit.