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first step

21 9:53:29

hi  lisa  thanks for taking my question what is the basic training for a racing a horse?

Hi - If you can provide a little more information - is this a horse with no prior training at all (saddle training), or an already broke horse that would now be starting racing training?  Also what type of racing.......

As with any horse, the basics are the most important.  Saddling, leading, tying, 'Go' and 'Whoa' are VERY important.   

If I had a horse I would consider racing, (already saddle-broke) I would work on conditioning, and getting it used to the different sights and sounds at a race track.  Having access to a starting gate is important.  You don't want a horse using up energy fighting handlers just before a race.  The more used to different things you can get a horse, the better.   

As for conditioning, I do not yet have experience with race horses, that question might be better answered by another person.  Lots of long rides, starting slow and working up to longer distances with faster times.  There is no exact formula - it depends on the horse itself and their own physical makeup during training.  As with any athlete, proper conditioning is key.