Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Cheyanne


21 9:53:42

I have a 19 year old QH that was a rescue that got in some barb wire in the bend of her right rear leg . It is healing, but not very well. She will favor it only after a short ride, but not during the ride. The wound is clean and I have applied Antibiotic ointment to it, but it just want heal. What can I put on it to help.

Hello Stacy
You can try putting some Blue Lotion on it. This liquid prevents ANYTHING to go in the wound. You can also try wrapping it with a bandage, but make sure you take it off sometime during the day...preferably if she is in a stall at night, take it off then to let it air out.
I hope your mare's leg heals soon! good luck!
Thank you for the question.