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lactation in a non-bred mare

21 9:52:21

I noticed my mare's teets were swollen last week.  Just out of curiosity, I squeezed them, and milk came out.  She is 12 years old, had 1 foal 10 years ago, and has not (to my knowledge) been in contact with any stallions.  Have you ever heard of this before?  Please advise.


Yes, it's known as a "false pregnancy".  For some reason, generally hormonal in nature, her body thinks she's pregnant.  Doesn't happen often but does happen, not just to horses but other species and people too.  If she's still experiencing these symptoms then get your vet out to do an exam.  This should also include an ultrasound of her reproductive tract to check the status of her ovaries.  A tumor or encysted egg may be behind this.  You need to know so that if there is something you need to treat you can get started on it immediately.  Explain to your vet what has happened and her history if he/she doesn't already know it.  If everything is OK then discuss what could be behind this with the vet.  Could involve her pituitary gland.  She could be starting to develop Cushings, she's in the age bracket for this to show up.  Once you get this straightened out then she shouldn't experience this again.  

If she seems uncomfortable in her udder area you can massage some Blue Lotion linament into it a couple of times a day.  Don't milk her, it will only encourage more milk production.  

Good luck with her.  
