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feeding prob

21 9:31:40

I have a 5yr old thoroughbred that we are fattening up but his problem is that whenever we feed him he always pushes a very wasteful amount out with his nose ALL the time. His bucket is lodged in a tyre and if it wernt he would knock it over. I guess he thinks all the yummy pellets are down the very bottom so he gets rid of all the other stuff. Iv tried to make it so his feed it more up the side of his bucket and he can see the botton but it makes no difference. What do you suggest??

There could be a number of reasons he is displaying this behavior.  With limited information provided, I can suggest some general causes and possible solutions.  His behavior could be a symptom his teeth need attention.  Or he may be displaying this as a form of anxiety or stress from inadequate free movement throughout the day (turn out, exercise, & stall size).  This could also be a symptom from insufficient foraging.  Finally this could be an aggressive behavior due to possible close proximity of another horse or even you, if you are watching too close by and this is discomforting for him.  Consider the surrounding elements in your particular case. Try increasing his daily foraging and/or free movement. If need be, increase the distance between him and either yourself or another horse while he's eating.  If neither improve the behavior, consult your vet or dentist.  He/she may need to examine him just to make sure his teeth are in good shape.