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Keeping ponys head up..

21 10:01:35

I recently bought a 13.1hh pony gelding. The biggest problem I have with him is that when I ride him, now and then he puts his head down to the ground. He does it a little bit at a walk, more at a trot and frequently at a canter. Sometimes at a canter when he does this he just stops. Since I am a novice it is often hard for me to stay on when he does this while cantering. I've only had him for about 2 and a half weeks and have already taken a couple tumbles over his neck. I've searched the internet and some nearby tack shops for something to prevent him from putting his head down but I haven't found anything. I don't know how to correct this. Could you please help me? Thanks.


Dear you need some help with this pony -- there is NOTHING you can use to keep this pony from doing as you expressed.  He's NOT trained and is doing this to get away from having to work.  As you see a little bit at the walk - more at the trot (harder work) and the canter is really bad including stopping.   I have some thoughts as to WHAT to do -- but you're a novice - I don't know HOW old -- and I can't see what the pony does when you try one of my options.  Please get a trainer to help you with a couple lessons ok?

Good Luck