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Horses Frog

21 9:31:33

My horse and went for a ride today and her frog started bleeding, she is not shoed but i have an app to do so soon. What could i do to help it stop bleeding and get better?

hoping by the time this message finds you that things have settled down some for both You and your horse. This sounds like a 'first aid' type situation.
My first advice has to be, call a Veterinarian. If this is not practical, call the person you have an app. for feet with and explain your situation, ask for emergency help.
Meanwhile, what 'I' would do, if it is bleeding that needs to be looked at closely, identify true source, then attempt to stop the bleeding. Cold, (clean) should help. Soak her foot in a shallow pan, fill with ice to keep it cold. Usually it takes about 3x what you imagine to do a good job. Next concern is possible infection, hot water and Epsom salt soaking (again 3x what you think is enough) can help prevent and treat minor infections. In this type of situation first aid is best aid and intensity plus time are your greatest ally's. I doubt a shoe would help prevent a cut but, for my own interest, what type of surface were you riding on to get this cut ? If you are in a very rocky area shoes would be necessary and your local farrier would likely be the person to ask about that.
Hope this reply reaches you in time to be of benefit. Good luck Cassie. It should be ok.
