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horse not wanting to swallow food

21 10:04:01

HELP! We have a 21 month old QH filly. She got her leg cut almost 2 weeks ago. It looks great now. That was on a Wednesday. On Friday we thought she had a mild case of colic. Gave her banomine. She got over it. On Monday she was slabbering her food out her mouth and would not eat. We took her to a Lexington, KY hospital, some of the best in the world and they can not find nothing wrong. On this past Monday her tongue was hanging out her mounth and extremely swollen. We had our vet out and thought this was an absess. Medicine took the swelling down, but she still is not eating and slobbering. Have you ever seen this? ANY suggestions?

I ran into this type of situation a couple of times.

One time the filly had a piece of wire wedged in her gum high up in the mouth. The other time the horse had a broken
cap that was cutting the tongue and cheek, also high in the mouth.

I would assume the vets would have checked for something like that, but one never knows. They need to put a mouth speculum on her and check for some foreign matter or tooth problem in the upper jaw area.

                        Good luck