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21 9:19:45

how much effort does it take  to take care of a horse?

Dear Taylor,
Well- I can give you a long or a short answer but the bottom line is the same: it IS a great deal of effort if YOU are the primary caretaker. Having said that- I have never regretted one moment nor any or the effort that I have put into my horses. It may sound cliche- but it is, in my case at least, a labour of love.
If you are taking care of your own horse- you need to be organized- this means not only having a schedule for your horse but also for things like feed deliveries, shavings (or whatever bedding is used in or area) delivery and disposal, routine veterinary care, farrier care. Your horse (ideally) should be fed three times a day if not on pasture- and groomed at least once daily. Your horse will also require regular exercise. That's 365 days a year- no more spur of the moment taking off for the weekend. You horse will need to be fed and watered early in the morning - so no sleeping in anymore. Your horse's stall needs to be cleaned daily... you get the idea.
S. Evans