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horse with shoulder injury

21 9:21:17

Hi i woke up this morning and called my Appendix barrel racing horse in to eat at about 5 am before we headed off to a race. he was uninterested in coming to the fence and so was my other barrel horse (very untypical). I walked out to get my appendix (RED MAN) .. he started limping as I called him. I stopped him immediately and looked at his shoulder which appeared to be what i would refer to a dislocated. It was about 4 inches lower and 3 inches back and probably 6 inches wider then where his other leg attaches to his shoulder... After 20 min of very slow walking which was early impossible for him. I got him to the barn. I walked the fence line and realized he had cornered the fence.. (around the edge of the corner ... a 270 degree angle)there was hair all over the fence post. I called the vet immediately. She said dislocated shoulders were rare.. and she didn't know what this injury was. He is on stall rest and iced for 20 min every few hours and given bute. He still sways and hobbles when he walks. Can you please help me. Will he live ? Will he ever run or be ridden again? I know you cant answer these questions for sure.. The vet said it was probably torn muscles in the shoulder and only time would tell.. ( and the swelling had to go down#.. There are not any puncture wounds simply a 3 inch indentation in his shoulder ... If you would like picture please let me know.. any advice or counsel you can give me is much needed and appreciated thank you
  Meredith (Powhatan, Virginia )

Hi Meredith.
  Unfortunately I'm not a vet. His injury soiunds very painful, but unless there are complications it is probably not life threatening. I do recommend getting a vet out to see him though. If the vet you talked to won't come out, I'd find another vet.
  Please let me know how your boy makes out! Best wishes!
Anne Stepien