Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > 2 yr old trotter has line problem

2 yr old trotter has line problem

21 9:19:08

QUESTION: My trotter showed lots of talent in his first stake races but quite often hits his back right ankle, above the fetlock, with his front left always in the same spot and making the healing process extremely difficult. He is a line trotter and my trainer tried a few things without any luck including the use of a stud support, putting the front shoes on backwards along with squareing the toes. He is in the healing process once again and won't start training again until Feb/12.
I need your expert opinion as to what we could try
to do to help the situation.
Thank You

ANSWER: Roderick,
  How is your trotter shod? What equipment are you using? Is he hitting the leg all the time, or just when racing or going fast miles? When he travels, is he going straight or getting himself cranked around? Is he hitting while he's trotting or hitting after he makes a break?
  The first thing I would suggest is the use of brace bandages behind. This will widen him out. Get back to me on the rest and I'll see what other suggestions I can offer.
Best of luck!
Anne Stepien

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Re. your questions on my 2 yr old line trotter.
!. Equipment- Normal bridal and bit with no tie downs,no poles, front hobbles,
brace bandages on back legs [no protective boots], bell boots on front and three oz toe weights.
2.He would only hit himself when racing.
3. He races straight.
4. The horse has had two trainers. One says he hits himself after he makes a break the other trainer is not sure.
5.How is he shod? Before his last race in October when he broke and cut himself in the same spot his front toes were trimmed from 4 7/8 to 3 5/8 and his front shoes were put on backwards so the toes were automatically square. Pacing shoes on the back that are slightly tipped inside and a trailer on the outside portion to add a little more weight in hoping he will clear.
The trainer does not want his toes trimmed much less than 3 5/8.
Hoping to hear from you soon.

   I am having some computer problems :(   I will get back to you tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.
   Sorry for an inconvenience.
Anne Stepien

  I'm sorry--I'm not sure where my head was but I forgot to ask you one major question. Where is he hitting when he hits? Is he hitting the coronet band, fetlock, ankle, hind shin, etc? Get back to me and I promise you a detailed answer :)
Anne Stepien