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my friends horse

21 10:07:58

 I am 15 and i am trying to find some information for my friend. She brought a horse about 5 days ago. She loves the horse loads. The only thing is when she rides her she wont move at all. My friend rides her bare back becauseshe doesnt have a saddle yet. but she does use a bridle. When she is riding her and you want her to turn she wont. If you kick her hard she will just jump to the side and start prancing about. My friend doesnt no what to do. She wants to ride her but the horse wont do what she asks.

Do you no how we can get her horse to do as she is told.

Thankyou    from amie

I will first persuade you in the direction of getting your friends horse a medical exam by a vet. She may not be just stubborn, there may be an injury that is not as noticable as a lameness or a cut, scrape, or bruise. If there are no medical problems,Start at the beginning by working the horse on the ground. Lunge the horse on a Lunge line before riding her. If she again refuses to move forward, back her up or turn her in a tight circle. If you kick her hard, you are causing her pain and she will not want to go even more! You could also try just tapping a whip and kicking her lightly until she moves. Stop as soon as she takes a step Patience is a virtue in this waiting game for her to make the right choice, but she will soon figure out that she will get a reward (you not bothering her with legs and a whip, turning her, backing her up) for doing the right thing! Good luck, and if you have further inquiries, p[lease do not hesitate to ask me another question!
Thank you!