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Palaminos mane / tail / coat

21 10:03:33

Hi Brenda,
           I was woundering if you could answer some questions about my beautiful palamino horse. What can i do to keep her mane and tail in the best condition i can. and what do you feed your palamino to make its coat darker and shiney!! what other tips do you have to make a palamino look it best!!!!

       Thanks a million!!!
                              From Tanya!!!
P.S. What does a skinny hood approx cost.

You can add about a 1/4 cup of cheap corn oil to your horse's grain to add to the shine and shimmer of the mane and tail.  Nothing will make a coat darker, but the corn oil will keep it shiney.  Pour a little baby oil on the mane and tail before you brush them to make it easier to get a come through so you don't break off the hairs.  Also, keep the tail braided and in a tail sock.  Mane tamers, or sleezies usually cost around $50-$90. You can find them on ebay cheaper sometimes.  BRenda