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My Pregnant Mare and Jumping Questions

21 9:46:55

I have a rescued mare who is pregnant and I have no idea when to expect the foal.
Could you tell me what to look for when we get about 6 weeks away from foaling and things that we should do/not do when the foal is born.
Also, I am wanting to use a 14.3 hand high mare for jumping 3-5 foot jumps, is she too short for jumps that high?
also, do you have any tips for a beginner jumper?
And does a horse have to be a purebred to enter in large jumping competitions?
Thank You

Hi Alesia, a vet would be better to answer this question.  Things to look for when she is close is her teats with wax up and get really full and big.  You will also see drips of milk down the inside of her legs.  When you see this she is within a few days or a couple of weeks.  Right before she will walk a lot, appear uncomfortable, swish her tail and maybe look at her stomach.  She will most likely have it at night or early morning.

Hope this helps,
