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Not responding to the bit.

21 10:03:54

Dear Patt,
  I have a QTH mare that I am trying to train to english, she was used as a western horse, the bit that I am useing is a tomthumb bit and she is not responding to it when she is cantering she will not slow down she actully gets faster and I have a hard time getting her to stop. I have had people tell me that I need a different bit. Can you help me out with this problem, I have tried everything I know to get her to stop. What do you recommend I do and what kind of bit should I use.

                           Thank You

Hi Audra
She needs to be remouthed.  Use a Big Fat D ring, Egg Butt, or O ring snaffle.  Before working her, stand and lightly jiggle one side of her mouth, then the other.  Lightly take your fingers and vibrate motion through the reins to the bit, then slowly give short little pulls and place your calfs against her sides so she takes a step back.  Then stop and pat her neck, I used the word, EASY also, it is soothing to horses learning.  I also recommend a running martingale to put the reins through, place the rings half way on each side of her neck.
You should have a straight line from the bit, through the reins and your hands to your elbows.  This makes for good light hands, flexable wrists, never stiff and hard.
Now, after schooling her on her mouth twenty minutes, start a nice trot, do the same thing while posting on the diagonal, jiggle the reins and get her to drop at her pole, then lighten up and pat her neck.  She must come into the bit not off it as her mouth will get harder and harder and like a race horse she will just run through the bit and bridle.
When your standing before riding, try to get her to drop at the pole with a somewhat vertical head drop, then reward her.  Once she gets the hang of what your doing, getting some feel back into the mouth, she will respond to small circles at the canter.  Start off from a dead stand still to canter, if she trots, stop back her up, then start off, do these strides to slow her down, start off from  a stand, stop after about 5 strides, start over, she will soon canter slowly if u do this daily.

Kind Regards