Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > 20 year old pony mare compaction?

20 year old pony mare compaction?

21 9:41:14

QUESTION: 41 yrs old. I had contacted you previously when I got my two 20 and 26 year old pony mares earlier this year.Their previous vet had me up their bute to twice a day 2 weeks ago as they were having a rough time walking. # days ago the younger mare went off her grain, she would eat out of my hand only.Then she started laying down (more than usual)with her head up breathing fast,then laying her head down  holding her breath and pushing then her head comes back up. I called the vet to come out on Sunday morning. He said she wasn't colicky but tubed her and gave her mineral oil.She is also shaky when standing.I walked her for 45 minuted ,let her lay down then another 45 minute walk.The vet took her off her senior pellets, gluc/msm/ha supplement and the bute. She is on good hay and water only.Did a cbc, normal but for a little dehydration.She has 24/7 access to her stall and the pasture.Vet decided to treat her for an ulcer (bute) with omiprozole just in case.I hate to keep walking her because she's off the bute.There are 3 other pony here the 26 year old pony mare, a 12 year old pony mare and her 7 mo old foal.The farrier was out yesterday also do trim and her hooves looked good.Sorry this is so long, I'm kind of at a loss. If you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Not sure what your questions is?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was asking if you had any suggestions of how to help her.

I read your question twice and still don't get what you are asking.  You talk about bute and off bute and the vet said it not colic and you don't want to walk her.

Older horses have same issues as older people, letting them out in pasture to graze is best, keep their feet trimmed, give some grain supplements and try and exercise them.  Not much else I can tell you without specific information on ONE horse and specific question.

