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Cantering on cue

21 10:01:29

I have just returned to riding after 22 years.  I have purchased an 8 year old quarter horse that has had the training but then let to sit in a field for years.  He is well bred, halter and pleasure, used to be a stud, and is as lazy as they come.  He has the potential to be really good.  With the two of us working hard, we have the walk and collected jog down fairly well.  We are having big issues with the canter.  I have tried everything.  How do I get him to canter when I ask for it?  I have read tons of material and they are all interesting but they are also difficult to understand.  I need simple, easy cues to teach him to do his canter.

Nicole --

Welcome back to riding!  He sure SOUNDS lazy --- why don't you enlist the help of a trainer for a couple lessons.  It's really hard for me to tell you "whats going on" and "what to do" without seeing his reaction to what we try.  I hope you understand what I'm saying.  If he really WAS trained.  He may be acting just REALLY lazy - but again - without seeing his reactions to what I tell you to try (there are more options as you've read) and when you do something - there may be a "variety" of negative reactions by this horse for which I can't prepare you in this email.

Please consult a trainer's help for a few lessons - till he understands what you're asking...

Good luck!