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out of stall

21 10:00:41

I would like to know how to get a horse out of his stall willingly.
He puts his ears back, turns his rear toward the door, bobs his
head and plays games not wanting to come out.

Also, what are a couple of things you would do with a yearling to
start the horse - he has had no training - just walked in and out
of the barn.

Hello Allgaier,

First I would have a long switch in my hand when I approach the stall. If he turns his rear to me, I would lightly tap it and say Move over. I'd keep tapping his rear until he moved it. I'd keep a halter on him even in the stall and use a stallion chain over his nose. Each time he is disobedient I'd give a light jerk with a sharp command, NO. I'd say walk on and lead him out.

With a yearling I'd do absolutely nothing except stabalize his ground manners by handling him, leading him, grooming and picking up his feet. Also he should be trimmed regularly by the farrier. Don't begin to train a young horse until he is almost three...then you can saddle, bridle and lead around.  Don't ride until he is 3 and then only on long straight lines like trail riding. No circles, round pens, lunging, etc untilf 4.

Happy riding,