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muscle atrophy

21 10:01:33

I have a retired 18yr., Tb., G.  I have had him since he was 4.  He evented through the CCI4* level and has had the same sport horse vet and farrier for 8yrs.  He mysteriously came up with asymmetrical muscle atrophy in his L hip area.  He was seen by the vet w/in one week of noticing the change in muscle.  EPM was ruled out(no neuro. signs)  We did not do the spinal, but treated him anyway just to be sure-as nothing else fit the build.  He also went through 5 or 6 months of oral prednazone (large doses and did not get worse)  He since has deteriorated and there is more atrophy. No lameness, no temp, good appetite etc...  He does however have horrible rain rot-which I am having a hard time getting rid of.  We have come to the conclusion that he may have a pinched nerve or tumor on his spine that is causing his problem.  What do you think?  He doesn't seem to be in any pain.  If there is something that can be done I would like to try to help have a better quality of life in his retired years.  Thank you in advance!

Hi Jill;

Usually if it's neurological he'll show signs of stumbling, weakness getting up, wobbling, tripping and things of that nature.  He doesn't have any of those signs.

Nerve damage seems logical as at least part of the reason.  A slip?  A fall?  Doesn't take much.  

The rain rot may or may not be related.  Typically, things like rain rot, scratches and things of that nature that you can't seem to get a handle on are an indication of a depressed auto-immune system.

You might want to try a combination of chiropractic, massage and accupuncture.  And perhaps a suppliment designed to boost the immune system and maybe another geared to supporting the central nervous system.  You could even make your own suppliment by picking 4/5 herbs that work on those two issues.

I think his quality of life is still very high from what you describe.  Don't worry too much as you're obviously a conscientious and caring owner.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt