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eating problem

21 9:35:54

My 14yr old gelding is chewing up his hay and spitting it out.  In the last week he has gotten alot thinner and I am worried.  We had his teeth filed by a vet exactly one week ago.  At that time the vet looked him over and had no conscerns. Could filing his teeth be a contributing factor? He did bleed some when he filed them. He seems to eat his grain fine and is drinking. Any advice?


I recommend giving it a bit more time. the mouth could be sore after the flaoting and there could have been a few minor lacerations that are sensitive when the hay pokes into them. If this was not occurring before the float, Id say it will pass when the discomfort from the procedure subsides. It seems to me to be a possible pain thing that the stems and stiff particles in hay irritate, since the grain and water are still being ingested well. You could give some banamine once a day to help with the comfort level, but again, it should subside with time if it is discomfort from the procedure. Let me know if i can help any further. Good luck.