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Bucking at the Canter

21 9:49:33

I have a 7y/o Appendix gelding and he likes to buck when asked to canter.  I lunge him for at least 10 minutes before I ride and he does not even attempt to buck.  He is fine at the walk and trot, but when I ask for the canter, his ears go back, head tries to go down and he's off.  I have a trainer and she has helped me with this before.  I had the vet out to check him (4 months ago) and we found that he had arthritis and degenerative joint disease.  We are giving him hock shots and Adequan and he was performing (w/t/c) wonderfully.  Now, a month later, the buck is back.  How do I go about getting rid of this habit, and what do you think the cause might be?



hi Mia,
first off i would have a equine chiropractor come out to adjust his body. it could be that hes out in his back,ribs, and poll. after this if he continues to buck then its just because he doesnt want to canter. either because hes just lazy or because its uncomfortable for him. when he goes to buck kick him and make him move forward. or turn him in a tight circle and make him move in a circle for a minute. after a while he should get the point that this is not acceptable. if its because hes uncomfortable then im afraid theres nothing you can do but continue to give him shots. good luck with your horse and be safe.
amanda groff