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my horse hit a rock

21 9:36:16

Hello my horses hit a rock just above his hoof yesterday. I put some green cooling gel on it and wrapped it. now the other leg is swollen and he wont walk. Is there anything you can suggest I do for him?

If he wont walk on the leg he did not injure this is obviously a separate problem. You havent given me much information on this and I cant tell you much about it without any information. If you dont see anything else wrong with him other than he wont walk on the leg that was not injured, Id say you should probably get a vet to look at him pretty soon. There could be a very long list of things that could be wrong and each one of them may require a different approach to treat the condition. I strongly recommend you get a vet to look at him. there is just too little information on this for me to be able to comment. Im sorry for that, but if he is that lame, you really need to address this immediately. Good luck to you and your horse. Let me know if I can help amy further if you get some more information odf have any questions after your vet evaluates the situation.