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hunter jumper

21 9:46:01

My grand daughter has a hunter jumper who keeps jumping over the fences while he is in the pasture. He is in a forty five acre pasture with twenty other horses who he gets along with, He has plenty of food, water etc. but all of a sudden for no reason he just jumps the fence to be on the other side, he doesn't leave the farm but concerned now because he found the
alfalfa field..................have good fences and electric fences but of course if he touches them he is already air born and doesn't get shocked, he is a very happy contented horse.....any suggestions..........

Dear Agnes,
I have two suggestions- neither is necessarily going to be easy to facilitate. You could try containing him in a smaller turnout with fewer horses- or raise your fences. As talented as he may be- if you can't curb this- I'd sell him (and let the new owner know his issues)- he is a danger to himself, to the other horses (he could drop the fence and let them ALL out) and to the general public - if he were to get out onto the road or end up comin into contact with non-horse people or traffic. I hope this of some assistance.
S. Evans