Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > trailoring


21 9:45:42

I have a horse that is 10 years old and was neglected really bad so we took her into our care. when we tried to load her she (and another horse) gave us problems the one didn't make it but i want her to learn how to teach her to trust me and load quickly.

Hi - sorry for the delay in answering.

What I would do first is work on her trust - get her used to you and get her to trust you. I hav too little info from you right now to suggest how to go about that in detail - but start off by spending time with her and getting to know her.  When she is comfortable around you, and you are comfortable around her, I would start with getting her used to a trailer.  She will probably want to see it, smell it - I don't know what your set up is, but if she is truly scared of the trailer instead of just not knowing what is expected of her, letting her get used to it BEFORE trying to load her should help.

This is not something that can be done overnight - you will probably need to take your time.  I believe that finding a reason behind the actions of a horse help greatly in understanding it and getting it to trust you and do anything for you.  

If you can give any more details, that would help me answer better!