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How much grain should I feed...

21 10:07:48

How much grain should I feed my mini each day? How many flakes of hay should I give to my mini each day? can 2 minis be put in one stall?

Just realized I didn't answer your last question about minis and stalling...
That depends on the size of your stall.  A standard size horse stall (12 by 12,or 10 by 10 or 8) can easily accomodate 2 minis, and some people keep up to 4 minis in one stall.  But if this is to be their only place (no paddock), make sure its a good 12 by 12 and they each get excersize time every day.  It is good to keep minis together for company, assuming they get along well.  Minis are herd-bound, and enjoy a companion (or 2, or 3...).