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Carntering problems

21 10:01:42


Thanks Lana

I was told that a follow-up wouldn't be required when I posed the question but I do think I need to either call her again or someone else.

The tripping is actually in front...

With regards the excercises you mentioned I did actually go this route for a while but I do have the problem that he is a very "quick" learner and soon sussed out what I was doing!

With kind regards



Followup To

Question -
Thanks Lana

He was fixed and sorry not to be technical but was really poked, prodded flexed and clicked.
Sadly I really don't have any history with him


Tripping in front can be indicative of a number of things.  Numbness in the feet or an unawares of where his feet are.  Improperly balanced feet where the breakover point is too far foward caused by too much foot being in front of the apex of the frog or just plain carrying too much foot.  Navicular or some other foot ailment.  Inattention to his rider and or the terrain.  Soreness through the back, shoulders and/or neck.

Since he is so smart, then you'll need to have a preplanned repetoire of 'exercises'.  Make each exercise more difficult than the one before.  So, for his first bucking infraction, make the exercise a relatively 'mild' correction.  For his second, make it more difficult and so on.  

In the end, you need to equal his 'pressure' with the appropriate correction exercise.  Typically, with a smart horse they'll have a bag full of tricks.  You simply have to outlast them.  Once you do, and the run out of tricks, you're problem will be solved.......assuming that is, that there is no physical reason for it.

Best wishes!
