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Nutrition- Oats or Pony Nuts?

21 10:09:26

My name is Hanika and I have a 13hh mixed gelding who hardly does any work. He lives in our backyard, which is very big and full of green grass. We normally feed him a bowl of pony nuts every day, but we ran out of pony nuts and we wont be able to get more for a couple of days. So recently we've been feeding him oats instead. Before we ran out of pony nuts, we fed him a small amount of oats sometimes for a treat. What I am asking is, what is best for him, pony nuts or oats? Or do you recommend a different type of feed? Also I was wondering if it seems to you that he is getting the right amount of food, and if you think we should feed him more often. I would greatly appreciate your opinion. Thank you! -Hani

Hi Hanika! Thanks for visiting! Let me first say that you're doing great by allowing your guy to graze good grass...that is the very best thing for his system right now! As for feeding changes...if you run out of one thing, the best thing you can do is just provide him grass and hay rather than changing WHAT you are feeding him abruptly. Changing like that that can cause gastric upset such a colic. With the change just having been to oats and not a complete feed, that is a bit safer. To answer your question on what is best for your guy...a lot depends on how much pasture he's grazing (each horse should have 1-1.5 acres ideally), what kind of grasses are growing there and their quality. However, since you said he's pretty idle and isn't worked hard...the pasture alone might be plenty enough for him. You can try just allowing him to graze, and eat hay if you choose. If he holds his weight fine...that should be enough for him. If you notice his condition becoming too might consider a grain balancer supplement which is generally high in protein, low in fat and average in fiber. They are often used in situations such as yours to provide the horse with a low calorie source of essential nutrients that may be marginal if your horse is just on pasture. This along with your pasture would provide him a more "balanced" diet than just giving him oats or pony nuts with his pasture. I'll be happy to help you find a product like that if you're interested...I just need to know what state you're in so I know who's products to suggest! I hope this has helped some and I thank you again for visiting! Best of luck! -Samantha