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coughing and flemmy nose

21 9:30:35

QUESTION: hi, my 27 year old gelding has developed a snotty flemmy nose after i fed him, making a retching noise, and a cough, he did this yesterday and was fine this morning, i again fed him today and he has done the same, all my other horses are getting fed exactly the same, and are fine and he was fed this last winter aswell and was fine on it, any help and advice would be gratefully appreciated, thanks

ANSWER: Hi  Kirsty -

My first thought after reading your description of what is happening was that this sounds a lot like a choke - which is not a critical situation for horses like it is in humans, but it is something that your vet should look at.  Is your gelding passing feed through his nose as well?  He may not show symptoms between meals because if he has something blocking his esophagus, it might only be aggravated when he tries to eat something.  Also, at 27 years of age, he may not be able to chew his food adequately enough before he swallows so he may be attempting to swallow something that is larger than it should be.  Can you call your vet to come see him?

Let me know how it goes ok?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, yes he was passing bits of feed through his nose, i have been down this morning to check on him and his nose is just a bit runny, no flem, he's stood looking a bit depressed, not grazing, would i be best to bring him in, or leave him out? thank you

ANSWER: Kirsty - I would leave him in and either haul him to the vet or call your vet out.  I am almost positive that your gelding is choking ... he is showing all the classic signs.

Let me know how it goes and good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, i have been down again twice to bring him in, and he was head down grazing with my other horses, and wouldnt let me to near him, which he has always been like when he is well, i am confused as to what to do, he's not coughing, and appears to be 'normal' should i see how he goes? and is it possible that he has unblocked whatever was causing the choke himself? thanks once again

I do think it's possible that he only chokes when he's eating and for a period of time after he eats.  I've been thinking about this old guy this afternoon - I love old horses! - and was wondering if you could try substituting alfalfa cubes soaked in water for his hay (if you're supplementing hay) and then feeding him beet pulp (also soaked in water) combined with a complete pelleted feed like SafeChoice.  In other words, can you try making him a special mash diet that will be easier for him to swallow?  We have a senior gelding in our barn and this is how we feed him since his teeth - or what's left of his teeth - are pretty much useless now.  He is also out in a grass paddock during the day but all he does is gum the grass ... he thinks he's grazing though :)