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strained knee

21 9:40:15

I am currently considering purchasing a 5year old TB gelding that has an old knee strain injury. They knee is not abnormally large and he has good flex with it, no lameness. It happened on the track when he was 3. He hasn't had any problems with it since the original injury but I am concerned with long term lameness issues. I am a barrel racer and it can be tough on joints. Any advice would be helpful.

Well I would consider having some x-rays taken before purchasing.  If the x-rays are clean, and as you say he flexes well, then you will need to take into consideration the degree of competition you are doing.  If you are competing at a moderate level I would think that some supplements and proper training to increase his strength around the joint coupled with a close eye for strain should keep you two in peak performance.  Age 5 is incredible!  He is still growing and has the potential to be a remarkable athlete.  Whenever there is joint trauma, after healing, one must strengthen the surrounding muscle tissue to provide proper support for the joint.