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My baby

21 9:41:05

So I own a 5 year old warmblood. We went to a horse show and did really well then came home and after about two weeks I decided to ride him. After about 3 days of riding I free lounged him and he decided to go over a jump. The jump was about 3' High. He is used as a jumper so this isnt anything new for him he LOVES IT!!! But after that I rode him and about 5 mins into riding he started limping. I got off and walked him around for a while no limping. I decided to end him. After about a week I got back on and after about 15 mins the limping came back. This has been about a month now. He is in no pain I have looked at his foot at every angle and put pressure on it nothing. I just dont understand whats going on can it be that he might have sprained something? Can you help me what should I do?

Dear Anna,
Anyone who offers veterinary advice over the internet would be foolish. What you need is a competent veterinarian to examine your horse. Three feet is a pretty big fence to take even in a free lunge without some gymnastic warm up over more elementary cavaletti; but what caused his injury is moot at this point- clearly he has an injury and the longer you wait to have it diagnosed- the worse it could become. He will probably need an ultrasound and or an X-ray for a conclusive diagnosis but this too is speculative.
S. Evans