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21 9:54:11

i am 14 years old and i really want to be a showjumper. i have told my mum this and i dont think she thinks i am being serious. but i am DESOERATE to be a showjumper. i plan to leave school after my GCSE's. Is that wise. At the momment i am juumping about 3 foot comfotably with my 14.2 newforest pony. What is your advice???  im sure my parents would by me a showjumper but its a big risk to set out on a carrer like this in case it doesnt work out what shall id do? thankyou

Alright...well it is very normal for u to want to be a show jumper. However, u need some crazy training for it. Like..u need to be taking lessons 1-3 times a week, and u need an experienced coach, and alot of things. It can be very hard! However, because of your age, I would start out with the local shows, with your pony, just to see how you make out, and if u like it. I would start in Hunter classes. Its like jumping, but demand less in the horse and rider. Try it out, talk it threw with your parents, and let me know how u make out! Thanx!