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horse hard to saddle

21 9:54:19

I have a 3 year old paint.Iam having a hard time getting the saddle on him.Once i get it on him hes ok.soon as hes sees the saddle he starts backing up and pulling away sometimes even bucking trying to get away from it.Any ideas on how to cure this problem .Thank you


I'll tell you what I've told dozens of other people - look for a reason for a horse's sudden behavior quirks/problems.  My guess is the saddle simply no longer fits him.  He definately doesn't want to wear it and is trying hard to tell you that.  

This is a young horse.  Horse's grow and develop until they are 8 yrs. old.  An educated guess says that he's outgrown the saddle much in the same way kids outgrow shoes.  Check your saddle fit.  If you don't know how to really check for saddle fit let me know and I'll tell you.  He will probably outgrow several saddles depending upon how much his physical build changes as he matures and finishes growing.  
