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ground working

21 9:49:13

I have started ground working a 2 year old Connemara gelding.  He's real sweet  and even tempered.  He won't get off me when I try to lead him....I hiss...get big...wave my arms...send a wave through the lead...he's just not afraid of me.  I have pushed, jabbed with my elbow, jabbed with the end of the crop...he just is not impressed.    Any suggestions?

Hmm, when you longe him, does he do the same thing?

Normally, I find horses like this learn to respect your space after being taught to longe. Most try and do the same thing when you start longing, but quickly realize it isn't acceptable.

Is there anything he is scared of at all?

I really would like to know a bit more so I can help you out further!