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I Finally Got a horse

21 10:03:23

i finally have gotten a horse but he is not trained and so the fun is kind of wearing off (don't get me wrong i love him with all my heart) and we really don't have the money to get him trained so my dad is going to do it (because he used to train horses out west) but that is when he gets the time and i feel like  that will be never and it's just not fair do u have any advice?

Hi Kacey,

This is a very broad question, but something you can do until your Dad has time is to get it used to lots of different things.  Get him used to having his feet picked up, get him used to plastic bags or tarps, loud noises, fast movement, have fun with it and get him used to any thing that you can think of.  This is a great start and will have him calmer physically and mentally.  You could even get him used to water going on him.  I don't know the age of the horse but if he's younger than he will be more nervous around different things.  You could get him used to having a saddle on his back.  All of this will be fun to do and make it a lot easier for your dad to train him later.

If you have any specific questions let me know and good luck!

Echo Savage