Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > HE BUCKS!


21 9:47:17

Hi. I am 14 years old, and I have an eight year old quarter horse gelding.
Every time we go into a lope, he starts throwing his head to flip the bit, and he he bucks, so high, that it almost looks like a is doing a hand stand! Every time. & I show, so I don't know what to do, he just started this about a year ago, and has already threw me off 4 times, once breaking my shoulder blade. I don't know what to do with him anymore, and I don't think he is trying to hurt anyone.
I really don't know what to do!
Another thing that leads to this is that when he we go on a nice long ride, if he gets tired, he will try to turn around, and obviously I wont let him, and then he bill back up into a ditch no matter how steep. So then, I pretend that we are going home, so I face that direction and bring him in the middle of the trail, or dirt road, and then turn him going the opposite direction of home, and he'll go. But, every time he does that, I know he is gonna buck, and eventually, he does.
Hopefully you can help!

Dear Carolyn,
          You seem to be very experianced in the way of horses, enough to know that this isn't right. I think you should try a martingale, it is a rein divice that keeps a horses head from going to high, there head goes up before they buck.
          check to make sure his tack is not hurting, pinching, or rubbing anwhere first. Then get a vet to come out and check on him to see if he is not having any discomfort or pain. THEN Use the martingale slowly, you can not adjust it to quickly or it will make him freak out even more. If that fails, i think a trainer should be brought out to re-train him. He seems to be barn sour and he thinks he is dominant in your relationship.