Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > thorobred x-race horse

thorobred x-race horse

21 9:19:46

buddy is 18 yrs...  . has a companion. sweet horse,  but from time to time stands and sways his head from side to side .  he is not confined to a stall.  is he having a medical problem? teeth have been floated current on his shots .. horse chiropractor  has adjusted him. is  he bored? thanks ...lorraine

Hi - when you say from time to time, is it every day, every so often?.....if it is just every so often - it may be just from boredom, or even just 'exercise' or for movement.....

If there seems to be a purpose behind the swaying, that may be indicative of something going on....does his whole front end sway, or just his head? A horse that weaves generally will move the whole front end - adjusting its' weight from one front leg to another back and forth with a 'purpose'.....

I hope this helps - if you have any additional info to share please feel free to.
