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Choosing the Right Horse Breed

21 9:52:53

 I want to buy 1-2 horses/ponies for my small hobby farm and was wondering if you could help me out in choosing the right breed. It should be economical to feed, strong for draught work, good mannered, willing to work, good for riding and carrying heavy loads, and be smart. I know that this is a bit too much expected from an animal but I would like to have all these characteristics in one animal. Hope you can help out,

ANSWER: Dear Dominic,
         That is not to much to ask from one horse, many horse breeds are good at doing all the things you like. First i need to know what part of the world you live in because some horse breeds that come to my mind may be unavailible where you live.

Please let me know where you live so i will be able to better assist you.

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thanks for replying. I live in Ontario, Canada. Hope to hear from you soon.
ANSWER: Dear Doiminic,
         The best type of horse for all the work that you need is a draft horse mix. Percheron half bred horses may be your best choice. Percherons are strong draft horses and able to carry heavy loads. Although buying a purebred can be very expensive. There are other draft breeds that can be used in a cross, but percherons are usually the easier to keep, they have minimal feathering that can lead to sores if they work in mud and can be very hard to clean.
         Check around for a percheron cross that is around 7-8 and has been trained for what you need, even if it has only been trained to harness and riding, it will only take a little time to get it used to pulling and carrying heavy loads.

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thanks for replying. I have done some research on draft breeds and according ro WWW, many people say that the Belgian draft horse is suppose to be the best. What do you think about that? Is is economical to feed? If not, what draft horse would be most economical. I also found Haflinger horse breed. What do you think about them? Would they be able to pull heavy loads, and I don't mean ridiculous heavy loads, but on average for a small hoby farm. Are they economical? I know that I have been asking you too many questions, but could you please help me out?
Hope to hear from you soon,

Dear Dominic,
         I personally like the percheron horse it is all up to your specific tastes. Percherons are known as a strong if not the strongest draft horses, as with any draft horse they do usually eat quite a bit, which is why i reccomended a Draft cross.
         A haflinger is a more a pony then a horse, they are suited to resonable draft work and some very light pack type work
         A mule or two would probably be your best bet because they are very econimical, pull, ride, and are better suited to pack work then most horses. The only downside is that you can't breed them, they are sterile. Most mules can survive on very rough hay that a horse coulnd't deal with and less grain then your average horse working as much as the mule.
         But if you are set on a horse or pony, A draft CROSS may be your best bet.