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Jump Start

21 10:01:27

I have a 5 year old 15.2 hand thoroughbred mare that absolutley LOVES to jump. But the thing is that when I take her over a small crosspole or vertical she rushes and just leaps it without a care, asking "what's next?". Sometimes she goes too fast and knocks down the rails hard. I am worried that I am going forward in her training too fast and I really do not want her to get hurt. Should I just go back to gridwork and caveletti for a while?

Hi Hannah;

Rushing is a sign of anxiety/fear and imbalance.  It's also a sign that your horse isn't listening to your aids.

You need to back up and spend more time on flatwork/dressage working to get your horse more engaged, better listening to your aids etc...  The better your flatwork, the better your jumping will be.

You need to also go back to groundpoles and cavalletti and should be able to do them at trot and canter on a long rein without her changing her rythm or tempo.  When she can do that, then you can put two trot poles to a small crossrail fence and do that until she can do it without rushing and be on your aids.  And very slowly build up to gridwork.  At th first sign of rushing, back up.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt