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new orphan foal

21 10:02:14

I have a 12 day old orphan foal.  He is doing great with drinking out of a bucket and is very healthy.  I am trying to introduce him to one of my older mares to help him learn to be a horse.  What should I do to make the transition safe for both of them?  Also He tries to jump on us humans and will try to kick at us while he is playing.  What can I do to teach him not to do that to us?  

Hi!  Congratulations on your new baby!  Introducing a foal to an older mare is a great idea, particularly if the mare has foaled at some point in her life.  If that's the case, she may take to him really well.  If you have the capability of putting them in stalls next to one another, where they can see and smell each other, that would help to make the transition smoother.  After a few days or a week of them being next to one another, try turning them out together in an enclosed area.  Make sure you stay close by when you have them turned out together the first time because you may need to run in and get him out.  Be patient, since it sometimes takes a couple of tries before they bond.

Also, the jumping on humans and kicking at you is a normal thing for orphan foals.  Never, ever go into his stall "unarmed" (without a riding crop).  When he jumps or kicks, swat him with the crop.  You're not going to do any harm to him, and you'll be preventing him from becoming dangerous down the road.  Remember, he won't stay small, cute, and manageable forever!  He'll soon learn to respect the space that a human is in, and will stop the kicking and jumping.  But be firm and consistent.  If you let up even once, you'll lose ground and will set up a pattern of him feeling like he can push you around.  Once you get him and your older mare comfortable with each other, watch how she deals with him.  Horses aren't gentle with each other!  Anything you do with the crop will be a lot less than other horses will do to teach him manners.  They'll use teeth and hooves (when he's a bit older).  Once he's around 5 or 6 months, turning him out with multiple other horses is a great way to continue his socialization process.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Make sure to keep him on a liquid mare's milk replacement for at least 3 months, then think about switching to pelleted milk replacer.  In the warmer months, the pellets are easier (fewer flies and no problem with souring).

Hope this helps!  Don't hesitate to contact me again if you have further questions.
