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Stubborn, wont trot

21 9:53:38

I've recently started riding a gelding named Hank. He hasn't been ridden by his owners and needed attention, so I'm working with him. The problem is, he is very stubborn, and will not move and I have to squeeze and kick very hard to get him to. Also, he hates trotting. I've been working on trotting him, but he'll go a few strides and stop. Then, it takes forever for me to get him moving again. I've stopped posting, so I'll keep my leg on him, but he'll still stop after a few strides. He also will kick out with on of his hind legs when he's angry, and he's bucked me off before when I tried to trot. I really like Hank, but he's just so stubborn and I really want to work with him on this. I mainly want help on the trotting. Please help me!!!

My first conclusion that came from reading your message, was that he may be soar. If he is kicking and bucking when you ask him to trot, he may be soar. That would be my first guess. Run your index and ur tumb all along his back starting at the withers. Use pressure. Go all the way down to his bum. If he flinches, swishes his tail, stomps his feet, pins the ears..or anything...go back at the spot where u touched him that made him reacts that way, and put pressure there. If he reacts the same way again, he is indeed soar. Get it checked by a vet. My 2nd conclusion, is that he is very lazy...(if he is not soar) Or he may just now know what you are asking him to do. You can try motivators or spurs...or a crop. Good luck!
Let me know how you make out!
Thank you very much for the question!