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21 9:19:33

Hi I have asked a lot of experts but no one seems to get back to me. I have a 3 year old mini I show unregistered in production. I do not know weather to show him in stock type or hunter type. Can you tell me what judges look for in hunter type horses. Also do you think he would do better in hunter type or stock type. Thanks

Dear Allison,
Minis should be judged by the same criteria as their "big" bothers- thus the criteria are the same for minis as for horses. It IS however odd that your breed organization would divide halter in such a manner- and this might be the source of your confusion. Traditionally- the divisions are stock/hunter type and English Pleasure/saddle type. Hunters and stock are really the same build (think Quarter Horse, stockier build flatter lower movement and carriage). It would be totally your call in this division if you wanted to shot in western halter and handler attire or to do Hunter braids and show in a snaffle bridle (or English type leather halter) and Hunter attire. In English/Saddle type- think Saddlebred type- lofty movement/elevated carriage. Traditionally- an English type show halter and dress pants/short and vest or saddle suite attire.
If Minis divide Stock and Hunter- it becomes basically a tack/attire choice since the phenotype is the same.
I hope this helps.
S. Evans