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driving a miniature team

21 9:21:23

Hi, i recently bought two miniature mares, and have the time and horse experience to teach them to drive. I would like to train them to pull a light-weight cart together, but haven't found any information on driving mini teams. How would i go about finding a miniature team harness & cart? I've looked on the web, and haven't found any team hitch miniature carts. Is it uncommon to drive a miniature team instead of only one mini?
 Thanks for your time,

Dear Mel

Since I don't have Minis...I am enlisting my experience as an investigator rather than a as a horse woman.  Try doing a Google search that looks like this: +"miniature horse" +driving +team
This search will get you a lot of things on driving mini teams.

These guys claim great prices.

They'll custom make whatever you need in the way of harness from mini to large draft.

They have both harness and carts and I noted that some of the carts have a "team pole".

Although this link doesn't discuss driving teams, they look like a good source of information.

The American Miniature Horse Association which is also on the web can direct you to shows in your area where you can pick the brains of others who drive minis.

It sounds like you have the experience to have fun with your new team.

Good luck and enjoy!

Lynne Curtis Gudes
"Common sense isn't."