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what horse is best

21 10:02:33

Ive never owned a horse and am not very familiar. I have been aroung horses and a friend started teaching me how to ride. I want to have a horse of my own in the future and would like to know what would you say are the best breeds for beginners?

Ones that are easy to keep, and stay healthy.

And it's not so much about the breed itself, as it is how well they do. Crossbreeds (mutts of the horse world) with some "cold blooded" breeds, like draft horses, tend to be very hearty, they just don't look "the best" or do the best in some events that have "looks" as part of their grading scale. Also they tend to be rather quiet and amicable around humans.

But if I had to lay down a specific breed, I'd probably say quarterhorse. But, I could also easily say I've seen bad ones, that had bad tempers, and the same for most other breeds as well. My suggestion is not to look at the breed, as much as the individual horse themself. Once you find one that matches you, friendship for friendship - you'll realize you found the right breed.