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19month foal wont move when im on her

21 9:27:25


I have a 19 month foal and she wont move when i jump on her. I only go on her bareback as I am just trying to get her to adjust to my weight on her back. She is fine if someone leads her with mer on her, but as soon as she is let go she will just stand still. Ive tried kicking her and turning her head right round but still no improvements. Just not sure how to get her to move. She is usually a psycho but so quiet and wont move when im on her. My boyfriend has a foal the same age and she is very quiet and she moves and goes whereever he tells her to go. Very frustrating. Any ideas would be a great help!!!


At her age, her leg joints have not developed enough to safely support a rider.  You need to wait another 6 to 8 months before trying this.  If you are really eager to get her trained, then I recommend starting with a bareback pad or light saddle and then work her for short periods of time in a round pen but if she were my horse, I would let her develop fully in order to get many more years of enjoyment and many fewer lameness issues out of this baby.