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training a x-race horse

21 10:08:13

how do you train a x-race horse to stop. also where do you even start when you are re-training them for a pleasure horse?  

In response to your question Crystal,
I have 2 ex-racehorses who are extremely beautiful and smart and try 100% all the time. Usually, a horse off the track will need some time off in a peaceful place before you even start working him. When you decide to start, begin with lungeing the horse with a lunge line or freely in a round pen. Be sure to give him many voice commands so that he will respond to them throughuout the training. Then, if you are into classical dressage and know how to long rein, work him in the long reins at walk and halt for a few weeks. Another option may be to ground drive your horse, just so he gets the feeling of the contact always being there and the feeling of asking for a halt without you on his back. Next, get o his back and ride bareback, in a small ring or a round pen i available. Ask for a halt mostly through your seat and body, not all by using your reins. Remember to use your voice commands. If h does decide to take off, the last thing you want to do is pull on the reins. It will scare him even more and you will not win the battle because the horses neck always wins an arm wrestle.Instead, turn him an a tight circle using ONLY ONE REIN. This will slow him down, and when he does slow down, praise him immediately. Consistency is the key when retraining the ex-racehorse for any discipline. My horses have caught on to eventing very quickly and have a very fun time, especially in cross country. Just remember to train the horse wit an open mind ad when thingfs get tough, not  to resort to forceful training methods. If anything is unclear or you have further questions, dont hesitate to ask another question.
Thank you,