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Horse with shoulder pain

21 9:49:48

Lyn, I saw a question you answered from last year about a horse that had a limp on hard surfaces and the vet recommends 3 MO off, when the owner climbed back on the horse bucked her off. Well, I've had my mare a year now. In July we went on a 7 hour trail ride in the mountains. We ride all the time, but usually our rides are 2-3 hours long. This was a difficult ride with lots of big hills and even snow in spots. A few days later I noticed a small head bobbing when she lifted her right leg. I've also lunged her and she's fine to the left but at the right she limps. This is an on and off thing. I decided to take her on a prize ride last weekend and on Tues I noticed an actual limp and severe bobbing. Today (Sunday) she was not bobbing or limping. I am confident that it's her shoulder as I feel no heat in her hoof or anywhere on her leg. Also, the limping/bobbing happens as she pulls up the leg and during rotation. I was hoping for some suggestions on what we could be dealing with before I take her to the vet. Sometimes I don't trust my vet %100 and would like have some knowledge before I get there.
Thank you,
Corrina Peterson
Buckley, WA


It sure sounds like her shoulder may be out in which case I would suggest finding an equine chiropractor to come out and take a look at her.  Unless your vet is experienced and familiar with chiropractic issues he won't be much help.  If she's OK'd by a chiropractor then she may have pulled some of the muscles in her shoulder.  That's the department of a massage therapist.  Not a bad idea to get her worked on by a massage therapist before the chiro sees her.
